Saturday, February 4, 2017

Visitors Center Training!

So. let me tell yeah how trashing awesome my mission is. Because it is. Wednesday was a very very hard day. But God sends us tender mercies and that my friends was Visitors' Center Training!
I taught real people!!!!!! VC sisters are online a majority of their mission! We are the representatives that people can chat with on and also we answer calls about questions and referrals for people wanting a bible or book of Mormon. I talked to this lady from the Bronx! 

Haha she ordered a free bible and we call them to get their address and to talk to them and see why they are ordering what they are ordering! So apparently she finished college with a major in theology and she wants to find a religion of her own. So I told her about the Book of Mormon and I kind of bore my testimony about it and asked if she would like a free one along with the bible and if the missionaries could drop them off. She said "heck yes!" Haha my mission is so freaking cool! We literally teach people all around the world in seconds!!! And we stay in contact with them! So every person I chat with or call I stay in contact and become friends with them basically the rest of my mission and sometimes my life! COOL! This makes me so happy because I get to see how far they go! And I help them all along the way! This church is so true!!!!!!! And VC training is a miracle. Seriously what I am learning is to completely teach by nothing else but the holy ghost. Like proselyting missionaries study like this, they find, they get to know, then they study for the specific person. 

We VC sisters have to study, find, then get to know, then teach. We learned last night to pray with deep real intent and whatever comes to our mind to have undoubtful faith that that is what we need to study for whatever people we will talk to that day.And all I can say is this. It is real. I have done it and witnessed that blessing for myself! I have seen miracles happen in only two days!!!!! It is so wonderful and I honestly cannot wait for tonight to do online again when p-day is over.

Also though there are the trolls of the world.... who chat with as a
prank and it is a waste of their time and our time. so please..... to all the people of the world. Stop prank calling and prank chatting..... It ain't funny. But there was this one caller who was slightly insane and we don't know if he is insane or if it was a prank... There is also that slight chance that he is a newfound prophet...... haha. But he called us four times! And four sisters in the room answered! haha But basically. He found Kolob. And he needed to get ahold of the first presidency because Joseph Smith came to him in a dream and showed him how to get to Kolob. I don't know. I think I believe him.. hahaha

Anyways I love you all! And thank you so much for the letters throughout the week! I don't have enough time to email all of you personally but hearing from you seriously makes my day! So keep doing it!!!! You are all the greatest and the CHURCH IS TRUE!!!

-Love Sister Rust

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