Sunday, January 29, 2017

3rd Week!!

Hello my dearest compadres and family members! How art thou?!

Well I am doing quite well thank you! Haha this week was just another week, like any other. I have noticed my most intense and depressing days are Sunday and Tuesday. By the end of those days I find myself on the verge of tears and feeling overwhelmed and not good enough..... but luckily those days happen on Sundays and Tuesdays because those are the days when I get the chance to sing in the choir and hear from a devotional! 

Tuesdays are when general authorities come. And this week was the second counsellor in the General Bishopric, Bishop Wadell! Before the devotional everything was hitting me pretty hard. I was basically having a mental breakdown, not thinking I was a good missionary and such. You know, the normal things Satan pushes in your head when you are weak..... 

It doesn't matter how unqualified you may feel or unprepared you may be, the Lord has set you apart and has put that mantle on your head in trust. You are an instrument in HIS hands.

We are average people with a divine purpose. If we lean on Him and depend on Him, He will work miracles through us!

Those were copy and pasted from my notes... you are welcome. 

Okk..... so I probably lost a majority of my readers so those who are still reading.... mother...... hahaha thanks! And I hope this message brightened your day! Because it sure brightened mine! It was direct answer to my prayers! Especially when he said "sisters, don't be so hard on yourself! You try to do 100% but only end up being able to do 99% and you punish yourselves and see yourselves as terrible missionaries! While the Elders get to 90% and say... hmmm I tried my hardest, next time I will maybe get there... Sisters don't work yourselves so much, Elders maybe work a little more..."

Hahahahahaha it was so true and honestly exactly what I needed to hear! 

After that I have been great! I am learning so much and am growing so much! This is the last few days with my district though...... we are all dreading the day. These sisters and elders are my family and we are all so close! I know that I knew them before this life! Ugh Tuesday will for sure be another sad day. Haha we can never stop laughing! 

And weirdly enough I am known as one of the funniest ones! Who woulda thunk!? Hahah they like me ma! They really like me! Haha

Thank you all for your emails! I love hearing from all of you so please email me! Love you all

Church is true!

Love Sister Rust

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